Teacher Wellness
Professional Development

We all know that teaching is hard work. At no time is that more evident than in a post-pandemic world. Educators are experiencing high rates of burnout as they struggle to cope with the academic, behavior, and social demands of changing classrooms. Yet so many educators push on and often sacrifice their own wellness in support of their students.

In cultivating wellness among educators, we can positively impact school culture, instruction, and the development of students. We are creating a unique opportunity for educators to explore emotional wellness through interacting with horses. Participants leave feeling calm, confident, and inspired to enter their classrooms as a teacher leader who creates the conditions for success.


There will be four guided activities with one 15 minute break:

  • Grounding Activity - Breathwork

  • Leadership/Partnership - Join Up Demo

  • Non - Verbal Communication - Grooming

  • The Joy of Horsing Around - Horse Herd Behavior


This unique experience runs for a total of 3 and a half hours and includes a light snack.

Sessions must have a minimum of 20 participants to book.

β€œIt was perfect. I loved every moment. I felt safe even when I was nervous. I felt like I learned a lot and having practical practice with the horses makes me feel more prepared to practice what I learned with my students.”