Legolas (Fawree)
Candy Ride (ARG) - Keeper Hill by Deputy Minister
Foaled: April 26, 2014
Starts: 14 | Career Earnings: $154,319 USD | Equibase
First: 6 | Second: 1 | Third: 0
Acquired: July 22, 2020
Temperament: Loves attention, friendly, and classy.
Currently: Legolas was sold as a two year old for $240,000 at the Ocala Breeders’ April Sale. He shipped to Dubai to race before moving to California in 2018. His last race was in August of 2019 where he finished first. He retired due to a right front sesamoid fracture. He is moving well, fully healed, and has shown no signs of lameness. Legolas was hand selected for a new program called the Monty Roberts' Mustang & Transition Horse Program. The program is being run by Monty Roberts International Learning Center in partnership with The Right Horse Initiative in Solvang, CA.
Adoption: Successfully adopted 11/14/2020