Kiwi (Spanning the Globe)
Tapiture - Betterlethergo by Hold Me Back
Foaled: March 1, 2020
Starts: 5 | Career Earnings: $27,780 USD | Equibase
First: 1 | Second: 1 | Third: 0
Acquired: May 26, 2024
Temperament: Fancy, spunky, and a good work ethic.
Currently: Doing great with her ground work and starting under saddle W/T/C. She’s also started going over crossrails.
Adoption: Kiwi injured her splint over a year ago, she returned to race training, but decided she didn’t want to do it anymore! She is retiring sound and shouldn’t have any limitations to her future career.
Adoption Fee: $4,500
*For more info please see Adoption FAQ’s.